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    🩺💊🔬🧪Zimbabwe's leading eHealth platform connecting patients with doctors, pharmacies, medical labs & imagining centres, via WhatsApp

    With a 91% user satisfaction score, Cloomi is an AI-powered chatbot for Zimbabweans to check availability & compare prices from nearby healthcare providers, with providers given 24 hours to respond.

    For providers Cloomi provides an affordable way to reach a new generation of tech-savvy consumers, improved provider-to-provider collaboration leading to increase efficiencies, plus valuable consumer and product insights that they would not have otherwise.

    Join over 5,000 Zimbabweans who have used Cloomi in our first year!

    Unique Searches

    Successfull matches

    Average Search Responses*

    17 minutes
    Average Daytime Response


    Quick & intuitive interface for users

    It will take you less than 2 minutes to submit a request to all relevant providers in your chosen location. After that, all you do is way for the responses, and only from providers who confirm availability.

    Get started
    Submit/receive text or picture requests

    Patients can anonymously submit requests as plain text, or as a screenshot of the prescription, or the packaging/bottle of the medication. Screenshots can include caption.

    Get started
    Quick & intuitive interface for providers

    For providers all it takes is a single button to confirm availability, with optional extra info that could be price, or a request for further information from patient, such as prescription.

    Provider Sign-Up
    Super-charge decision-making with AI Suggest

    Powered by the pioneering technology behind ChatGPT, Cloomi AI Suggest helps providers accurately process requests faster, while alleviating drug shortages by suggesting alternatives, subject to legal & professional requirements.

    Provider Sign-Up


    How Zimbabwe’s Cloomi uses WhatsApp to improve health outcomes

    By Tim Jackson [FULL STORY]
    Zimbabwean startup Cloomi is a digital health platform that empowers patients to check availability and compare prices from nearby healthcare providers via an intelligent WhatsApp chatbot.
    Launched in 2023, Cloomi allows users to interact with its chat app like they would with their WhatsApp friends, starting the conversation and following the chatbot’s prompts, supplying the target search location, and the medication or service they’re looking for. The platform now boasts over 230 pharmacies, more than 20 medical laboratories and diagnostic imaging centres, and a searchable database of over 700 registered healthcare practitioners across Zimbabwe.

    Software engineering can revolutionise healthcare solutions

    By Sifelani Tsiko [FULL STORY]
    Software engineering is rapidly changing and improving healthcare systems in Zimbabwe and elsewhere in profound ways. Advancements in technology are paving the way for innovative solutions that increase access to care, reduce costs, improve outcomes and empower patients.
    It is encouraging to learn that a UK-based Zimbabwean software engineer, Blessing Museki (50), has developed a new digital platform, Cloomi, an innovative healthcare software solution that has become a game-changer. Herald Innovations Editor Sifelani Tsiko (ST), speaks to Blessing Museki (BM) about how software engineering in healthcare is paving the way for more efficient, effective, accessible and patient-centred healthcare.

    Using WhatsApp to access health care in Zimbabwe
    By Farai Shawn Matiashe [FULL STORY]
    Dubbed Cloomi, the WhatsApp chatbot has become very popular in Zimbabwe, a country where the health sector has been deteriorating for years. It is common practice that public and private hospitals lack the required drugs and prescription. As such, citizens must find a pharmacy to buy pharmaceuticals.
    On Cloomi, Zimbabweans at home and in the diaspora can check the availability and compare prices of services and products offered by pharmacies and medical laboratories in their chosen location. “Talking to the bot like they are chatting to one of their friends, a user selects the category of providers they want, enters a city or area and the product or service he or she is looking for,” says the co-founder of Cloomi, Blessing Museki, a Zimbabwean software engineer based in the United Kingdom.